If you need to make a complaint:

We aim to provide a first class service for all of our customers. However we recognise that occasionally we may not achieve every aspect of that goal. Should that happen we have in place this complaint procedure to ensure your concerns are both addressed and resolved. We promise that in the event you make a complaint to us we shall be courteous and be respectful in our dealings with you.

A copy of this complaint procedure is available to you free on request: please just let us know if you wish us to post or email a copy to you. We set out below how our complaint procedure works and the steps we ask you to take if you wish to complain. We also set out your rights to complain to the Ombudsman should you not be satisfied with the outcome of our review of your complaint.

1. Contact Us

2. Acknowledgment

3. Additional Information or Clarification

4. Our Decision

5. Your Decision

6. Decision Review

7. Eight Week Letter

8. Deadlock Letter

The Ombudsman

Energy Ombudsman

The Citizens Advice Bureau

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